Saw this meme the other day as it was floating around on Facebook. As I was sharing it along with thousands of others, it hit me that this is not just a parenting meme but also a meme for marriage.
How many times do we get stuck in our daily routines and we take out life’s not so kind days out on our spouses because well “they are our spouse”.
Yes that is true they are our spouse but they are also a human being. Let me explain. This meme says that we need to speak to children as if they are the wisest, kindest, most beautiful and magical human on earth. For they believe what they become. Click here to read more
Be Healthy In Your Relationship With Yourself
I was just sitting there minding my own business, drinking my Peppermint Mocha. Then I heard the words “Yes, he just decided to call it off and come home. We are so excited. Everything is going to be great.”
This young lady was so giddy and just beside herself. “It’s a Christmas Miracle,” she said.
Their conversation carried across to my table, so I wasn’t eavesdropping.
I tried really hard to continue to mind my own business and work, but their voices kept escalating with excitement that this marriage would be saved. Click here to read more
Spewing Venom Doesn’t end well
In 1997 my marriage was over. The divorce papers were written and we were living in separate places, child support was set, and visitation decided.
But God…
click here to read more
Then the unspeakable happened.. I became a Christian
As I was praying this past week and studying God’s word I found myself praying for my three girls and their marriages. I prayed the pat prayer, Lord strengthen their marriage may they be good parents; you know all the superficial prayers. Then my prayers started turning to; Lord may they get active in a church that they all like, may they come together to worship together. Click here to read more
“We are just friends”.
These are the infamous words that are used to cover evidence of an emotional affair.
If you are going to a person of the opposite sex (not your spouse) for advice, laughter or acceptance, you need to ask yourself this serious question: WHY? Why are these needs met outside of your marriage? While you defend the relationship and say it’s no big deal, let me warn you, it is a slippery slope. satan uses our human desire to feel needed to destroy our marriage. Click here to read more.
I DON’T respect my husband
We were meeting with a group of young people and were talking about our roles in marriage. It was interesting to hear the different views from these 20 something’s. Some of them fell back to their parents traditional roles and others didn’t like that setup. Click here to read more
Climbing out of the MARRIAGE RUT
Walking through Wal-Mart Sunday afternoon Rob starts joking around. And I start laughing. All of a sudden in all seriousness he says “do you think all couples joke and have fun like we do or are they in a rut? I’ve heard that a rut is just a grave with the end kicked out.”
Better late than never: I owe my husband an apology
In 1997, my marriage was over. My husband did not love me anymore, at least that is what he said. The truth was, as with most marriages, is that it had become comfortable and we allowed satan to come in for the kill. I was devastated. I thought I was doing things correctly. I had recently become a Christian, and from the pulpit I was hearing “submit, submit, submit”. I was even given books on being a “submissive” wife. Click here to read more
Life After the Other Woman
While this is written by a woman…the lessons learned can be applied regardless of gender.
This year Rob and I will celebrate 27 years of marriage but if you ask only 18 of those have been good. To see us today, if you were not aware of our past, you would never know that 14 years ago Rob had an affair with my best friend. Rob has gone into some detail on, if you would like the background for this blog. But this past 2 weeks has been difficult as people we either have known in our past, or have become acquaintances with recently, are having issues overcoming an affair and they want to give up. So today I want to share “my life after the other woman”. Click here to read more
What if the other woman is not a person but …
A few months ago I wrote a blog called “life after the other women”. It was my journey on learning how to re-trust and allow God to work in our marriage instead of letting Satan win. I since then have reformatted the 180 Website so I took all my personal blogs and moved them to my personal blog page. In the process of doing that I put of Facebook that I had moved my page and to check it out, I then received a message that I did not quite understand so I asked this person to call me the next day
What if the other woman is not a person but … Read more
Marriage: Hysterical or Historical?
Have you ever listened to yourself when you get into an argument with your spouse?
In the past when Rob and I have walked with couples overcoming an affair one of the first things the husband says is: would you please tell her to quit bringing it up? The second is: would you tell her to quit reminding me what month it is or time of the year it is? Read more
I wrote this on our 27th Anniversary
27 years ago today I married the man who I now know God chose for me. I cannot say I married my best friend that day.
You see Rob and I met in College and during the Holiday break his parents moved out of State. College, at that time, was not for Rob so he moved with them. He left saying I will see you, we will get married (because he had proposed to me in October after only knowing each other 3 months)and everything will be great. A few short weeks later I called to talk with him, I was pregnant. Read more
October, November, December Suck… they just Suck
Ok so now that I have your attention… let’s be honest. It seems that starting in October and up through the Christmas holiday life gets hectic and full of more and more things to fill our time. It is also a time in my life where things always seem to happen; death, lost relationships and affairs … back in 1987 I was making No-bake cookies when I got the call that my Grandmother had passed away in her yard while trying to save her brother. I remember sitting in the kitchen not believing my ears when all of a sudden I realized the smoke detector was going off because I had left the cocoa, sugar, milk and butter on the stove to start melting. Read more
The Weight of the Wedding Ring
Every morning before Rob gets ready for the day he weighs himself. This morning he had started to get ready for the day and had already taken off his wedding ring before remembering he had not weighed himself. He stopped, put on his wedding ring and weighed himself.
I laughed and said it’s just a ring why weigh yourself with it? Robs answer was actually very profound: ” yes I weigh myself with my wedding ring on. It’s a part of who I am.” He went on to say,”clothes can be changed, sometimes I have hair, sometimes I am bald, but this ring defines a part of who I am”. This profound answer then got me to thinking the rest of the day about the weight of the wedding ring. Read more
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